Entrepreneurship growth track for Saudi SMEs launched

Entrepreneurship growth track for Saudi SMEs launched

Omnia Education Partnerships Ltd. (OEP) partners with Ejadah Management Consultancy to offer an entrepreneurship growth track to a group of selected Saudi SMEs. The SME Growth Track Program for Tawuniya has been adapted to the Saudi market, and it is based on the...
Hae International VET Expert -koulutukseen

Hae International VET Expert -koulutukseen

Haluatko tutkintoviennin osaajaksi tai syventää alan osaamistasi? Omnia Education Partnerships Oy toteuttaa InVET – International VET Expert -koulutuksen syyskuun 2018 ja huhtikuun 2019 välisenä aikana. Koulutuksessa keskitytään EU-/ETA-alueen ulkopuolelle...
Supporting entrepreneurship in Uganda

Supporting entrepreneurship in Uganda

From spring 2018 on, refugees in Uganda will have the opportunity to graduate from the Finnish Further Qualification in Entrepreneurship. The qualification program is organized by FCA and OEP in close cooperation with UNHCR. ”Finnish qualifications have a good...