by OEPnewsite | Sep 1, 2017 | Customer cases, Customer cases professional development
OEP organized a three-month school immersion for 117 Saudi teachers and principals in 2017. The practical orientation took place in six primary, secondary and upper secondary schools in Espoo, Finland. It was a part of the six-month Building Leadership for Change...
by OEPnewsite | Jun 19, 2017 | News
The six-month Building Leadership for Change through School Immersion program brought 57 Saudi Arabian teachers to the capital area at the beginning of June. The program enables learning about Finnish education and supports applying the best pedagogical solutions in...
by OEPnewsite | Jun 15, 2017 | News
How can education respond to the rapidly growing need for vocational skills globally and locally? What are the success factors of Finnish basic education and VET? These questions as well as digitalization’s role in education were discussed during the visit of Mr....
by OEPnewsite | May 8, 2017 | News
Omnia Education Partnerships Ltd. (OEP) and the Somali National University have signed a memorandum of understanding on developing vocational education and training (VET) in Somalia. The collaboration aims at building VET capacity and developing sustainable...
by OEPnewsite | Apr 12, 2017 | News
Haemme mentoreita Espooseen ulkomaalaisille opettajille ja rehtoreille Omnia Education Partnerships Oy hakee yhteensä yhdeksää osaavaa mentoria määräaikaiseen kansainväliseen projektiin, joka toteutetaan Espoossa. Kahden mentorin työn kesto on noin 6 kk alkaen 22.5....