Flexible education system serves local needs

Flexible education system serves local needs

How can education respond to the rapidly growing need for vocational skills globally and locally? What are the success factors of Finnish basic education and VET? These questions as well as digitalization’s role in education were discussed during the visit of Mr....
Supporting Somali youth’s pathways to working life

Supporting Somali youth’s pathways to working life

Omnia Education Partnerships Ltd. (OEP) and the Somali National University have signed a memorandum of understanding on developing vocational education and training (VET) in Somalia. The collaboration aims at building VET capacity and developing sustainable...
Ainutlaatuinen projektityö koulutusviennin parissa

Ainutlaatuinen projektityö koulutusviennin parissa

Haemme mentoreita Espooseen ulkomaalaisille opettajille ja rehtoreille Omnia Education Partnerships Oy hakee yhteensä yhdeksää osaavaa mentoria määräaikaiseen kansainväliseen projektiin, joka toteutetaan Espoossa. Kahden mentorin työn kesto on noin 6 kk alkaen 22.5....