by OEPnewsite | Aug 11, 2019 | Customer cases
In 2019, OEP collaborated with Mahattattva Educational Advisory to organize the professional development program “Teacher as an Innovator” in Delhi, India. The program focused on empowering teachers and school leaders to be everyday innovators within their...
by OEPnewsite | Aug 11, 2019 | News
Omnia Education Partnerships Ltd. (OEP) and Mahattattva have launched the Finnish professional development program Teacher as an Innovator in Delhi. The first workshop was facilitated by Ms. Sirkku Nikamaa 27 – 28 July, with two more workshops to follow. The program...
by OEPnewsite | Jun 18, 2019 | News
Omnia Education Partnerships Ltd. (OEP) and United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) have signed a memorandum of understanding. It marks the beginning of a strategic partnership aimed to bring high-quality accredited education to vulnerable...
by OEPnewsite | May 9, 2019 | News
Omnia Education Partnerships Oy (myöhemmin OEP) kokoontui kevätseminaarissa Seinäjoella 8-9.5.2019. OEP Oy:n osakasorganisaatioista paikalla oli 30 koulutusviennin asiantuntijaa. Samalla pidettiin myös yhtiökokous. OEP esittää ammatillisen koulutuksen...
by OEPnewsite | Mar 29, 2019 | News
FCA College, co-founded by Finn Church Aid and Omnia Education Partnerships Ltd., offers refugees a chance to obtain a recognized diploma. The programs are competency-based, upholding Finnish quality standards. Diplomas are based on Finnish curricula and...