by OEPnewsite | Mar 29, 2019 | News
Rwamwanja refugee settlement rarely experiences traffic jams, but today the main road is packed. Over 600 youth dressed in graduation gowns march towards a brighter future, bursting with pride. The Training Center has been running since 2015, but today’s graduation...
by OEPnewsite | Feb 5, 2019 | News
Omnia Education Partnerships Ltd (OEP) and Saudi Small and Medium Enterprise Authority are cooperating to offer an entrepreneurship training track for 10-11th graders. The program will be offered to 120 female and male students in 2019. The cooperation includes...
by OEPnewsite | Feb 5, 2019 | Customer cases, Customer cases entrepreneurship and innovation, Customer cases professional development
OEP partnered with Small & Medium Enterprises General Authority Monsha’at and the Saudi Ministry of Education to offer seven Saudi high schools the opportunity to pilot entrepreneurship training in 2019. The collaboration included curriculum development, teacher...
by OEPnewsite | Dec 13, 2018 | News
Omnia, one of the shareholders of OEP, starts to develop the Moldavian VET system in 2019. The EU Twinning Project focuses on promoting the quality and effectiveness of the Moldavian VET. The duration of the EU-funded project – “Enhancing the quality and...
by OEPnewsite | Nov 22, 2018 | News
OEP is partnering for change within the Palestinian education ecosystem with Hani Qaddumi Scholarship Foundation (HQSF). The program – Sparking Dialog on Education – aims at initiating a national dialogue around education and bringing all stakeholders to work for a...