by OEPnewsite | Nov 22, 2018 | Customer cases, Customer cases professional development
Sparking Dialogue on Education, a collaboration between OEP and the Qaddumi Foundation, aimed to spark a national dialogue around education. Implemented in 2018, the project brought together public, private, and UNRWA schools and universities to work for a shared...
by OEPnewsite | Nov 14, 2018 | News
OEP has launched the International VET Expert training. The six-month training deepens the expertise of Finnish education professionals in working in different cultural context. The training develops the participants’ competence in pedagogics, work-based...
by OEPnewsite | Jun 18, 2018 | News
Twenty participants including five from Rrwamwanja refugee settlement have now graduated from the Finnish Entrepreneurship Diploma Program. The program is based on the Finnish Further Qualification for Entrepreneurs and it was organized by Finn Church Aid and...
by OEPnewsite | Jun 7, 2018 | News
Omnia Education Partnerships implemented a 10-month onboarding program “ACWA Future Leaders Program” for the ACWA Holding recruits. The tailored corporate program was based on the Finnish First-Level Management Diploma, a well-established professional...
by OEPnewsite | Jun 7, 2018 | Customer cases
OEP implemented a competency-based leadership and management training as an onboarding program in Saudi Arabia in 2017–2018. The goal of the onboarding program “Future Leaders, ACWA Saudi Talent Program” was to create a talent pool of qualified employees for the needs...