Customer cases
Empowering solutions for training
and development
Entrepreneurship training in Saudi Arabia and Uganda
TVET reform in Ukraine
Professional development for teachers in India and Palestine
Offering Finnish TVET diplomas in Egypt
Our clients
Thousands of satisfied clients across the world, including in Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Georgia, Uganda, India, Ukraine, Finland, and Egypt.
GreenVET Pathway
Erasmus+ project (2023–) empowering VET institutions to become active drivers of the green transition through a whole-institution approach to sustainability.
Compete Egypt: competence‐based VET as a key driver for sustainable socio‐economic growth in Egypt
Erasmus+ project (2023–) aiming to increase the capacities of Egyptian VET institutions to develop competence-based VET in collaboration with the labor market.
EU4SKILLS: rebuilding Ukraine
Multi-actor project (2021–2023) funded by the EU and member states focusing on supporting and rebuilding the Ukrainian education sector.
Centres of vocational excellence: autonomy and forging public-private partnerships for VET
Building vocational excellence in cooperation with the European Training Foundation (2020–2023): learning sessions, study visits, and studies on the autonomy and public-private partnerships of centres of vocational excellence.
Entrepreneurship and product development Training of Trainers in Georgia
Developing managers’ entrepreneurial and product development skills to help them tackle challenges identified in their operating environments. Collaboration with the Business Association of Georgia in 2022.
Educating Palestinian teachers to act as innovators
Sparking a positive and innovative, digitally inclined development mindset among teachers in Palestine. Collaboration with the Qaddumi Foundation from 2022 to 2024.
Entrepreneurial learning for disadvantaged youth with UNESCO-UNEVOC
Building the capacities of TVET institutions in developing entrepreneurial learning programs for disadvantaged youth. Collaboration with UNESCO-UNEVOC in 2022.
Developing vocational education and supporting large-scale workforce development in Egypt
Introducing Finnish vocational qualifications, quality assurance, and competency-based assessment in Egypt. Supporting large-scale workforce development.
Promoting the integration of sustainable development into Finnish TVET
Promoting the integration of sustainable development goals into Finnish vocational education and training through the VET4SDG program (2020–2022) for TVET managers and teachers. Funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education.
Message Us
Looking for the best training solutions? Contact us to develop competence for the future. Ask any question or simply let us know about your needs.
Postal address
Omnia Education Partnerships Oy
PL 41, 02761 Espoo, Finland
Office Location
Lehtimäentie 1 C 6
02770 Espoo, Finland