Digital innovation
Competence for a digitalized world

Finland is a global leader in digitalization and home to companies such as Rovio, Supercell and Remedy, top names in the game industry, with an array of edtech and games startups in the making.
How did all this happen? In the Finnish education system, digital solutions are a part of the learning environment, with games and immersive virtual environments making learning more engaging. The importance of digital skills is acknowledged in all levels of curricula. To support digital innovations around the world, we offer selected Finnish diploma programs globally.
- XR training solutions
- Online learning innovation
- Digital innovation for teachers
- Game industry career training
XR training solutions
Online learning innovator
Teacher as a digital innovator
Game industry career training
Qualifications available globally
Graduates from qualification programs annually
Students in qualification programs annually
Students on liberal adult education courses
Our programs
Our digital innovation programs
XR training solutions
OEP embraces the new immersive XR technologies and their application in learning and development. We offer training and certification solutions that protect lives, assets and the environment. XR is a part of our receipe for vocational excellence.
OEP’s XR training programs support public and private education providers in taking their digital trainings to the next level. We partner with a variety of XR solution providers, which helps us to find the best XR solution for the customers’ needs. We work in tight collaboration with our customers, to seamlessly integrate the XR experiences to the training solutions. Our XR training programs focus on the following four key areas:
Vocational training
Our vocational training programs support teachers, principals and other education sector staff in integrating immersive VR and AR training as a part of their existing digital training offerings. VR and AR training enables students to practice real-life work skills without disrupting operational processes at the workplace, with no safety risk or risk for damage, and with unlimited number of repetitions.
The VR and AR training content includes national curriculum learning outcomes embedded as tasks. The content is designed specifically to help the students to meet the curriculum-based competence requirements and learning outcomes. Additional integrated e-learning courses can be offered to support the VR and AR hands-on training.
Vocational competence assessment
Our vocational competence assessment programs enable students to demonstrate required knowledge, skills and competence in a fully immersive VR environment. These programs can be used to complement traditional assessment methods, and in the near future possibly replace them completely.
The VR environments for competence assessment are designed to follow the national TVET curriculum learning outcomes and working life tasks. The tasks are performed using the correct methods and realistically modeled tools and equipment. Competence can be assessed by following the students’ skills demonstration via remote access to the VR environment, or automatically by an ‘AI assessor’, which counts the points for the tasks in the VR environment.
Modeling the competence assessment for learning paths
For students to gain access to real work sites can sometimes be challenging. This issue has been further highlighted by the pandemic. VR environments provide scalable solutions allowing students to experience work sites and other operational environments virtually. By utilizing VR environments and 360 images we can design virtual tours and scenarios, where the students get to familiarize themselves with the real work site and the important equipment and tools that are used there.
These virtual environments can also be used in onboarding employees and students, by giving them a virtual tour of the school campuses and vocational facilities.
Industrial certificates
Health and safety training and certification is mandatory in many industries. Ensuring the competence of the workforce acts as an insurance. Accidents and inferior quality cost money and sometimes even lives.
OEP partners with leading experts to offer industry certificates as a part of vocational training packages utilizing 360 learning environments and VR simulators. The certification trainings include e-learning theory and VR practical exercises. The tasks are remotely assessed, and certification qualifications are awarded by an accredited certification provider Kiwa Inspecta. A number of VR simulators are already in use in leading edge Finnish companies.
The VR simulators for industrial certificates can also be used by educational institutions. Having students graduate with the competencies required by the industry ensures a skilled workforce for the future.

Online Learning Innovator
This course gives practical tools and support in introducing innovative online learning approaches within one’s organization. All participants build their own online course during the training and will be exposed to new ways of thinking and doing.
Participants will network, get support from other like-minded professionals and receive a practical toolbox to help their organizations in the process of change.
Module 1 – Engaging online learning
- Introduction to innovative digital learning approaches
- Benchmarking innovative digital learning solutions
Module 2 – From Ideas into Innovations
- Identifying challenges in need of solutions
- Defining the challenges and working out action plans
Module 3 – Turning Innovations into Practices
- Enhancing the online learning process
- Scaling and spreading good practice
Module 4 – Displaying the Results
- Displaying results
- Creating learning communities
Successful participants will receive a globally recognized diploma from Omnia, The Joint Authority of Education. Assessment is based on Finnish National Agency of Education standards.

Teacher as a Digital Innovator
Finland is a leading country in education, workforce development and digital innovation. Finnish teachers take pride in being lifelong learners, actively developing their own teaching and innovation skills.
This course, based on the Finnish innovation know-how, gives practical tools and support in introducing innovative digital learning approaches within one’s organization. International participants will be exposed to new ways of thinking and doing, network, get support from other like-minded professionals and receive a practical toolbox to help their organizations in the process of change.
Module 1 – Having an Innovator’s Mindset
- Introduction to innovation and culture of experimentation
- Benchmarking innovative digital education projects
Module 2 – From Ideas into Innovations
- Identifying challenges in need of solutions
- Defining the challenges and working out action plans
Module 3 – Turning Innovations into Practices
- Enhancing the learning process with digital tools
- Scaling and spreading good practice
Module 4 – Displaying the Results
- Networking
- Displaying results
- Creating learning communities
Successful participants will receive a globally recognized diploma from Omnia The Joint Authority of Education. Assessment is based on Finnish National Agency of Education standards.

Game Industry Career Training
OEP offers a program for bridging the gap between existing competence and game industry needs.
Finnish game education providers have worked in close cooperation with the game industry to create top-rated practices that match the competence needs of the game studios. Innovative interdisciplinary game training methods and work-based learning prepare the students for starting game studios and entering highly demanding positions in the industry.
Game Professionals Track
Prepares students to work in a game designer, level designer or game management role, and understanding the game business: brand design, monetization, marketing, startup financing and project management in game production. Core learning objectives are: creative management, game monetization, marketing in game industry.
During the intensive program, students are trained to industry standards, working with an entrepreneurial mindset in collaborative, interdisciplinary teams. Students learn to communicate effectively, set and measure goals, give feedback and take corrective action in projects when needed. All students work on industry projects during the training program.
Program graduates receive a Finnish diploma, recognized globally. The program can be run at any location with the required infrastructure and local partners can be certified as implementors.

Message Us
Looking for the best training solutions? Contact us to develop competence for the future. Ask any question or simply let us know about your needs.
postal address
Omnia Education Partnerships Oy
PL 41, 02761 Espoo, Finland
Office Location
Lehtimäentie 1 C 6
02770 Espoo, Finland