Fostering International Career Guidance in VET

CG International is an Erasmus+ capacity-building project in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET) aimed at strengthening career guidance services for VET students in Western Balkan countries. The project focuses on equipping VET teachers, providers, and school counselors with enhanced skills and tools to support students in exploring international career opportunities. Through research, an online learning platform, capacity-building mobilities, and policy recommendations, CG International seeks to improve the alignment between vocational education and labor market needs.


Project partners

The CG International project is coordinated by Mundus (Spain) and consists of a consortium of partners from across Europe and the Western Balkans:

Western Balkans Partners:

  • SHMT Lutfi Musiqi (Kosovo)
  • APPK (Kosovo)
  • Kolegji Profesional i Tiranes – KPT (Albania)
  • SVS-Pljevlja (Montenegro)

European Union Partners:

  • Mundus (Spain) – Coordinator
  • Uniser (Italy)
  • CINOP (Netherlands)
  • Omnia Education Partnerships (OEP) (Finland)

The collaboration includes:

The Project Focuses on the Following Key Issues:

  • Strengthening Teacher and Expert Capacity: Providing targeted capacity-building training for career guidance experts to improve VET students’ career counseling services.
  • Developing an Online Career Guidance Platform: Creating digital tools and resources to support VET teachers, counselors, and students in exploring global career opportunities.
  • Enhancing VET Internationalization: Offering mobility programs to facilitate knowledge exchange and best practices in career guidance.
  • Promoting Public-Private Partnerships: Strengthening collaboration between vocational education institutions and industry stakeholders to align education with workforce demands.
  • Providing Policy Recommendations: Delivering guidelines to improvecareer guidance strategies within VET institutions in the Western Balkans.

 The CG International initiative plays a crucial role in transforming career guidance for VET students, fostering global career readiness, and bridging the gap between education and employment markets.

CG International introduction brochure (A4, PDF)

Visit the project website to learn more.