– globally

Empowering solutions for
training and development


Empowering solutions for training and development

What we do

Omnia Education Partnerships (OEP) offers training solutions for future careers and develops professional competence development ecosystems.

Entrepreneurship and innovation

OEP offers a range of programs to foster innovation and support the development of thriving entrepreneurship ecosystems.

Vocational Excellence

Building on Finnish TVET’s best practices and years of experience collaborating with international public and private partners, we support TVET providers in developing high-quality and relevant education and training.

TVET & K-12 professional development

We support teachers, school leaders, and other education sector staff in creating an environment that promotes lifelong learning.

Digitalization and technology-enhanced learning

Building on Finnish innovations and solutions in digital education, OEP promotes digital innovations around the world and supports education and training providers in the digital transformation.

Greening and sustainable development

Integrating green skills into training programs is essential to prepare learners for future jobs and ensure industries receive the skilled workforce they need for sustainable growth.

Previous customer cases

Find out about our previous and ongoing customer cases in, for example, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, India, Palestine and Ukraine. How can we help you to develop education for the future?

Lifelong learning

In Finland lifelong learning is not a myth. Education and training are means to ensure employability and a stable economy.  This is why we have developed a portfolio of programs supporting all levels of a vibrant learning ecosystem.

Transforming best Finnish practices

We transform Finnish education and training best practice into global next practice for public and private sector customers. Our goal is to provide tangible change for individuals and organizations.

Sustainable Development Goals

Education and training are core elements in achieving the UN 2030 Agenda for The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our programs contribute to reaching all 17 goals, which are an urgent call for action by all countries in a global partnership.

Find out more about our solutions

Our expertise builds on world-class Finnish education and training solutions which we have modified to ensure a good fit for our international public and private sector customers. OEP offers consultancy services for the education and training sector, teacher professional development programs, corporate training and tracks for future and present entrepreneurs. We also provide paths to Finnish vocational qualifications.

Qualifications available globally

Graduates from qualification programs annually

Students in qualification programs annually

Students on liberal adult education courses

About us

Providing the highest quality Finnish education solutions globally, in partnership with, for example, Unitar, UNESCO-UNEVOC, Education Finland and European Training Foundation ETF.

Our cornerstones of quality and impact are: Finnish education and training standards & localized content, programs accredited by the Finnish National Agency for Education, competency-based training and assessment, Finnish interactive training methodology and a holistic approach to learning, which aims at blending content and soft skills.

In Finland, TVET adheres to a framework supporting the Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations 2030 Agenda. Sustainable development is blended into all 3000+ Finnish TVET competency-based modules.


Top quality solutions, supporting lifelong learning

Committed to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals of UN 2030 Agenda

Thousands of satisfied clients already in, for example, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, India, Ukraine, Finland, Egypt and Palestine.

customer cases

Thousands of satisfied clients across the world, including in  Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Uganda, Kenya, India, Georgia, Ukraine and Egypt.

Fostering International Career Guidance in VET

Fostering International Career Guidance in VET

CG International is an Erasmus+ capacity-building project in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET) aimed at strengthening career guidance services for VET students in Western Balkan countries.

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OEP and Aramco to develop vocational excellence

OEP and Aramco to develop vocational excellence

The Omnia Education Partnerships (OEP) team, led by Mervi Jansson, CEO of OEP and Chair of Finland’s Vocational Education and Training Quality Assurance Committee, visited Aramco’s Industrial Training Department (ITD) in Saudi Arabia as a part of the ongoing Center of...

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A research-based model for analyzing excellence in TVET

A research-based model for analyzing excellence in TVET

What are the building blocks of vocational excellence? How can we analyze and measure excellence to support the TVET community in developing the quality of education and training? In the latest issue of the Online Journal for Technical and Vocational Education and...

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Interested in joining our team? Leave an open application!

Interested in joining our team? Leave an open application!

Omnia Education Partnerships (OEP) is a growing company offering versatile services in education and training for global markets. OEP was established in 2016 as the international consultancy and training arm of four Finnish organizations. We turn Finnish...

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“I did all my project according to the materials that we learned at the program. And I already sold the idea to investors. So, assignments, our webinars and all the materials given in Thinkific helped me to think more about the details and view project from different angles and different perspective. I would be happy to be involved in other online courses, because it will give me more information, different ideas and experience.”

“The training allowed me to rediscover myself as an innovative teacher; it helped me to leave my comfort zone and break some of the limits that were obstacles more than facilitators.”

“The training widened my way how to seek opportunities and I learned that the most neglected areas could be the ones with greatest opportunities.”

“The program helped me in how to plan well, manage time, and demonstrate the importance of cooperation with local community institutions in supporting the educational process and pushing it forward.”

“Personally this diploma is a great achievement. People have preconceptions about refugees, and it is not easy to earn a living in a foreign country. Now I can apply to further education and work on my business ideas.”

“To build a successful company, young competent people are needed. This kind of a professional program has huge value. The holding company has a very good partner in OEP.”

“I was pleasantly surprised to see how teachers from different backgrounds could relate to each other, hold meaningful discussions and enjoy some great learning together!”

“To see the world of entrepreneurs in a different and realistic way, which gave me lots of new knowledge, experience, challenges.”

“I am really enjoying the program, and the skills I have gained will help me progress in my professional life and add a slight competitive edge in a competitive world.”

“It was one of the best workshops I have ever attended. The facilitator brought in a lot of positivity. The sessions were informative and enriching.”

Message Us

Looking for the best training solutions? Contact us to develop competence for the future. Ask any question or simply let us know about your needs.



Postal Address

Omnia Education Partnerships Oy
PL 41, 02761 Espoo, Finland

Office Location

Lehtimäentie 1 C 6,
02770 Espoo, Finland

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