Finnish Global Educational Solutions Oy (FGES) and Omnia Education Partnerships (OEP) have signed a long term cooperation agreement to jointly launch Finnish vocational education programs in Egypt in partnership with Egyptian-based International Academy for Research and Advanced Studies (IAARS) and Elsewedy Technical Academy (STA), affiliated with Elsewedy Electric.

“Signing this agreement during the Covid-19 crisis shows the determination of all parties involved” says Mr. Risto Vahanen, FGES CEO.

“We are aiming at preparing a generation of professional technicians according to the highest educational standards,” stated Ahmed Elsewedy – Chairman of Elsewedy Electric Foundation.

“STA’s strategy is to bring leading international experiences and practices of technical and vocational education and training to Egypt in an attempt to support this vital education path that is considered a corner stone for developing the economy. This cooperation with Finland will lead to a great breakthrough in students’ skills and competencies for better employment opportunities in Egypt and abroad,” Mrs. Hanan Elrihany, CEO of STA stated.

Hundreds of students will benefit from this cooperation already during 2020. The goal is to jointly expand the number of programs annually.  “Education is more of a marathon than a sprint. We greatly value long term partnerships, and look forward to making an impact together with our Finnish and Egyptian partners,” says Mervi Jansson, CEO of OEP.

About FGES

Finnish Global Education Solutions Oy (FGES), established in 2017,  is a Finland-based expert company in education that develops diverse education solutions to ensure students to have the best possibilities to succeed in life.

About STA

STA was established in 2011 as a part of Elsewedy Electric’s commitment towards the community and development of technical and vocational education and training in Egypt. STA currently operates two schools through a cooperation protocol with the Ministry of Education and Technical Education.