
Co-creating the future of education

OEP’s education reform projects support public and private education providers in building education ecosystems. In our projects, we draw on the best practices of the tried and tested Finnish models. By bringing all stakeholders together, we work for the same goal: educating for both life and work.

Our toolbox for building and renewing the education ecosystem includes:

  • TVET policy work
  • Implementing 21st century skills in practice
  • Reforming the education continuum from K-12 to lifelong learning
  • Community and stakeholder relationships
  • Professional development
  • Cooperation with companies and industry sectors
  • Curriculum development
  • Qualification framework development

Our TVET reform programs are always tailored to customers’ needs in length, content and delivery methods. Contact us to get more information about our programs.

Learn about finnish tvet

Qualifications available globally

Graduates from qualification programs annually

Students in qualification programs annually

Students on liberal adult education courses


Finnish Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

Finnish TVET in a nutshell

An open ecosystem

The Finnish technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system has flexible intake criteria, the goal being to provide personal study paths for all. It comprises of 160 tracks built on 4000 modules. The training providers are publicly financed and often owned by municipalities. Training is a service to individuals living and working in the region. All training providers have strong relationships with the private sector. Joint activities include eg. development projects and reskilling and upskilling of staff. The focus is on economically sustainable regions.


Learn about the main characteristics of VET in Finland from OEP’s CEO Mervi Jansson:


Livelihood and jobs

TVET provides the means to provide for yourself as a professional with the capacity for lifelong learning. Job creation through entrepreneurship is also a key focus of Finnish TVET.

No dead ends

In Finland, TVET opens a path to higher education, further professional diplomas and working life. Part-time diploma programs support private sector growth and provide the employers with competent work force.

Competency-based and standardized curricula

The national-level curricula is devised by education sector and industry. Students study both compulsory and elective modules. Assessment is competence-based.

Built in flexibility

Learning takes place in school, at work and through projects. All learners have a personal competence development plan outlining where and how learning and assessment takes place. TVET caters to the needs of the workforce by offering part-time programs upskilling also those with an academic degree.

Work-based learning contracts

All training providers have close ties to companies in their region. Work-based learning is outlined in learning contracts signed by the student, teacher and company representative. Teachers support and monitor the implementation of the contracts, while the company nominates a mentor who is responsible for induction and co-supporting learning.

The Finnish model for vocational and professional learning supports the Sustainable Development Goals of UN 2030 Agenda. There are matching elements for all 17 strategic development goals.

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Looking for the best training solutions? Contact us to develop competence for the future. Ask any question or simply let us know about your needs.



postal address

Omnia Education Partnerships Oy
PL 41, 02761 Espoo, Finland

Office Location

Lehtimäentie 1 C 6
02770 Espoo, Finland

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